Change can happen!

É verdade, a mudança pode realmente acontecer.

Wish you a good job Barack!

Passo a transcrever um post que li algures num site, diz o seguinte:

"Thank you. You did it. You showed America - and the world - that change can happen. Thank you for the miles you walked, the doors you knocked, the phones you rang, the hard-earned dollars you gave, the spirit you committed to this campaign. Thank you for never wavering, even when the days were dark, the clouds grayed the skies, and the rain poured. Thank you for tuning out the static of the cynics and believing in your power to change this country.."

Cheguei agora a casa, tive um jogo particularmente infeliz, não por minha culpa mas por culpa de outra(s) pessoa(s). Whatever..change can happen, right? :)

Vou-me deitar, see you tomorrow *

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